Bus Driving Rules Every Bus Driver Should Be Aware Of

As a bus driver, you have a significant responsibility to ensure the safety of your passengers and also to follow a range of road rules and regulations specific to driving a large vehicle. Obtaining a bus driving license is just the first step in your career, and it’s essential to stay informed about the various rules that govern bus operations. Here are the rules to follow:
Adhere to speed limits:
One of the most important rules every bus driver must follow is adhering to the designated speed limits. While buses can travel at speeds similar to other vehicles, they take longer to accelerate and stop due to their size and weight. Always ensure that you’re driving within the speed limits posted on the road and adjust your speed for road conditions, traffic, and weather.
Follow proper lane discipline:
Buses are wider and longer than regular cars, which means lane discipline is especially important. Ensure to stay in your lane at all times, and when turning, ensure to position the bus correctly to ensure a safe and smooth turn. Always signal well in advance when changing lanes, and be aware of other road users, particularly pedestrians and cyclists.
Consider passenger safety:
The safety of your passengers should always be your top priority. Before departing, ensure that all passengers are seated, or standing safely, with appropriate handrails, especially on public transport. When stopping to pick up or drop off passengers, ensure to do so at safe locations. Always check for pedestrians or other vehicles before proceeding after picking up passengers.
Be aware of bus-only lanes:
In many urban areas, buses are permitted to drive in dedicated bus lanes. These lanes are often designed to keep buses moving efficiently, especially during rush hours. However, always ensure you’re using these lanes legally and according to local regulations. Be mindful of any restrictions on bus lanes, such as specific hours of use or conditions under which the lane can be accessed.
Use the bus door safely:
When operating the bus, ensure you open and close the doors safely and at the right times. Never allow passengers to enter or exit while the bus is in motion. Use the doors to help manage the flow of passengers and prevent any accidents or injuries.